Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse (2024)

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — The state's top lawyer released details on her investigation into another part of the Catholic church in Michigan.

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued a report on the Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo today. In total, 65 tips and 345,178 documents were tied to allegations against former clergy.

Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse

19 priests are listed in the report. They are accused of grooming victims and then sexually assaulting them. The victims include children, teens, and adults.

Twelve of the priests are deceased. The remaining seven living priests are all out of active ministry.

Here are their names:

  • Leonard Bogdan
  • Dennis Boylan
  • Robert Consani
  • Thomas Devita
  • Richard Fritz
  • Robert Gerl
  • Jerome Heyman
  • Bernard Horst
  • Thomas Lapine
  • Wieslaw Lipka
  • Francis Marotti
  • David Otto
  • Gary Pammen
  • Carl Peltz
  • Stanley Staniszewski
  • Brian Stanley
  • Jacob Vellian
  • Bogdan Werra
  • Leroy White

Two of the men, Brian Stanley and Jacob Vellian have already had criminal charges filed against them. Stanley pleaded guilty to one county of attempted false imprisonment. He was sentenced to 60 days in jail, probation, and ordered to register as a sex offender in January 2020. Because of a ruling in an unrelated case, his registration as a sex offender was removed by state police.

Vellian was charged in 2019 with two counts of rape. According to the Attorney General's Office, Vellian was serving at a parish in India when he was charged. Vellian reported died in 2022 amid the extradition process. His death hasn't been confirmed by the U.S. State Department.

Bishop Edward M. Lohse, who started leading the Kalamazoo Diocese in 2023, held a press conference Wednesday morning responding to the report.

“The ugliness detailed in the Attorney General’s report is not the whole of who we are, but it is a part," he said. "The sexual abuse of minors by priests here in the nine counties of the Diocese of Kalamazoo is a historic reality. It is tragic, appalling and inexcusable.”

Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo responds to abuse allegation report by the AG's office

The report is part of the Attorney General's on-going investigation into alleged abuse by clergy members.

“We must break down the walls of silence that so often surround sexual abuse and assault," Nessel said Wednesday. "In the end, we hope that this report provides a voice to those who’ve suffered in silence for so long.”

Nessel's office previously released reports on the Marquette Diocese and Gaylord Diocese. The remaining reports on the other four dioceses are still pending. She said there isn't a timeline for when they might be released, but said Lansing will likely be next, followed by Grand Rapids, Saginaw and Detroit.

AG Dana Nessel press conference on Kalamazoo Diocese report

The Diocese of Detroit is where Judy Larson was sexually assaulted in 1957.

Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse (1)

FOX 17

“I was 10 years old. This is what I looked like," Larson said, holding up a picture of herself in black and white.

Larson said her abuse started when a priest took her to the rectory during Girl Scout meetings.

“Told me I was special, and then forced me to perform oral sex on him," she said.

The was only the beginning, and she said it only got worse. Decades passed before that priest, Richard Lauinger, was finally made it on the Diocese of Detroit's list of Restricted/Removed Clergy.

Larson, now 77, is on the Board of Directors for the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, or SNAP.

She applauds the AG's reports, but said they haven't changed much of anything in her eyes.

“There is still child abuse going on, and we won’t here about the cases now for another 30, 40, 50 years," she said.

According to a report on child sexual abuse published in the National Library of Medicine, most victims won't share their story for an average of 20-46 years. In fact, "early disclosure" usually refers to abuse reported within 15 years, it said.

Before Nessel was elected in 2018, the Attorney General's Office announced it would investigate the seven dioceses for past allegations of abuse by clergy. Investigators seized hundreds of boxes of documents and millions of digital files the Michigan Dioceses had compiled on abuse allegations against clergy members.

In her report today, Nessel noted the Diocese has cooperated with investigators and the Attorney General does not believe any information has been withheld.

Roughly one month ago, the Diocese of Kalamazoo issued changes to its youth protection policy and named several people who would not qualify to work with children any longer. 11 of the former priests listed by the Diocese are also named in the Attorney General's report.

Resources are available for anyone who is a survivor of abuse at the hands of clergy. The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests will help people to make a police report, find a therapist, and has more information on its website.

The Michigan Attorney General's Office has a dedicated hotline for reporting abuse allegations at 844-324-3374. Allegations can also be sent in through the AG's website.

The Catholic Charities is also running a crisis hotline at 1-800-873-8336. The Kalamazoo Diocese will also provide financial support for counseling and free entry into a 10-week treatment in the Trauma Recovery Program.

Victims of sexual abuse or assault in need of additional resources can contact 855-VOICES4.

Read the full report on abuse by clergy in the Diocese of Kalamazoo below:

Diocese of Kalamazoo Report May 20 2024 by WXMI on Scribd

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Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse (2024)


Report on Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo names 19 former priests accused of abuse? ›

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel issued a report on the Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo today. In total, 65 tips and 345,178 documents were tied to allegations against former clergy. 19 priests are listed in the report. They are accused of grooming victims and then sexually assaulting them.

What is the average settlement for clergy abuse? ›

What is the average settlement for clergy abuse? Based on reported settlement amounts in prior sexual abuse cases against the Catholic Church and a few other religious institutions, the average individual settlement amount for a clergy sexual abuse lawsuit is between $300,000 and $400,000.

Which Catholic priest was found guilty of abuse? ›

A 74-year-old Catholic priest who claimed allegations against him were "nonsense" has been convicted of abusing a child in the 1980s.

How much has the Catholic Church paid to abuse victims? ›

Decades of sexual abuse by Catholic priests is turning into decades of successful claims against the church. After trying to cover up these crimes and abuses, the Church has paid over $4 billion in settlements. It appears as though there are billions more to come.

What is the Catholic scandal 2024? ›

May 1, 2024, at 12:51 p.m. NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Authorities have expanded an investigation of clergy sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in New Orleans to include senior church officials suspected of shielding predatory priests for decades and failing to report their crimes to law enforcement.

How long does it take to get a settlement from the Catholic Church? ›

A clergy sexual abuse civil lawsuit can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years to settle, and some case might take even longer.

What percentage of Catholic priests have been accused of abuse? ›

According to an extensive study produced by John Jay College for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, about 4 percent of priests in ministry from the study period (1950-2002) were accused of sexual abuse.

What is the biggest Catholic church scandal? ›

Of the Catholic sexual abuse cases in Latin America, the most widely known is the sexual scandal of Father Marcial Maciel, the founder of the Legion of Christ, a Roman Catholic congregation in 1970s. He had been sexually abusing at least 60 minors and fathered six children with three women.

Who was the priest that was a serial killer? ›

Hans B. Schmidt (1881 – February 18, 1916) was a German Catholic priest, rapist, convicted murderer, and suspected serial killer.

What Catholic priest was murdered in jail? ›

Former priest John Geoghan, the convicted child molester whose prosecution sparked the sex abuse scandal that shook the Roman Catholic Church nationwide, died Saturday after being attacked in prison. Preliminary indications are that Geoghan, 68, was strangled, Worcester District Attorney John J. Conte said.

How many Catholic priests have gone to jail? ›

A review of publicly reported convictions going back 17 years reveals that: At least 75 clergymen have been convicted of, or pleaded guilty to, criminal child-sexual-abuse charges since the landmark Gilbert Gauthe case in Louisiana in 1985. About half of those – 38 – were Roman Catholic priests.

How many Catholic dioceses have filed bankruptcies? ›

As of April 2024, thirty-eight US Catholic religious organizations have sought bankruptcy protection in chapter 11. Twenty-four cases have concluded.

Are clergy abuse settlements taxable? ›

Whether or not clergy abuse settlements are taxable depends on the type of damages claimed in the lawsuit or settlement agreement. According to the U.S. tax code, payouts or settlements related to physical injuries or sickness do not qualify as taxable income. However, a settlement of emotional distress is taxable.

Why have so many left the Catholic Church? ›

When asked to explain in their own words the main reason for leaving Catholicism, upwards of four-in-ten former Catholics (48% of those who are now unaffiliated and 41% of those who are now Protestant) cite a disagreement with the Catholic Church's religious or moral beliefs.

Who was banned from the Catholic Church? ›

On 26 February 1616, Galileo Galilei was formally banned and banished by the Roman Catholic Church for teaching and defending the opinion that the Earth orbits the Sun.

Is there a decline in the Catholic Church? ›

The recent Pew Research survey numbers show that the Catholic population has remained at around 20% since 2014, after dropping off from 24% at around the turn of the century. Catholicism is still the largest denomination in the country, but the ethnic and geographic distribution of the Catholic population has changed.

Can you sue a pastor for emotional distress? ›

To successfully sue a church on the grounds of intentional infliction of emotional distress, it must be proven that the church's conduct was intentional or reckless and that it caused severe emotional harm.

What is the typical age of victims of clergy abuse? ›

Extent of the Abuse

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops concluded that about 4 percent of all U.S. priests have been accused of sexual abuse of children. Most of the victims have been between 13 and 17 years of age.

What are the effects on victims abused by the clergy often includes? ›

Routinely, studies show that clergy abuse leads to depression, anxiety, and an increased risk of re-victimization. Additionally, survivors might experience complex trauma, which is characterized by a variety of symptoms like dissociation, emotional dysregulation, and trouble with self-soothing.

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