Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (2024)

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If you’re getting ready to create a betta fish tank and need some guidance, you’re in the right place.

In this guide, I’ll take you step by step. We’ll talk about tank size, water conditions, essential gear, good companions for betta fish, and more.

Before we get started, here’s a short roundup of what I am about to discuss:

pH Level6.5 – 7.5
Ammonia Level0 ppm
Nitrite Level0 ppm
Nitrate LevelBelow 20 ppm
Water HardnessNot specified in the article
Minimum Tank Size5 gallons
Ideal Tank Size10-20 gallons (for better stability)
Lighting Hours8-10 hours/day
Lighting IntensityAdjustable, suitable for plant growth
Filter Flow RateGentle, adjustable
Heater PowerSufficient to maintain 76-81°F
SubstrateSupports beneficial bacteria, smooth
PlantsBeneficial, oxygenating, hiding spots

Also Read: Betta Fish Care Guide

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (1)

Betta Fish Tank Size

Betta fish thrive in tanks that provide enough space for swimming and enrichment, with a minimum size of 5 gallons being ideal.

Larger tanks offer more stability in water conditions and room for plants and decorations, enhancing the betta’s quality of life.

  • Minimum Size: A 5-gallon tank is the smallest recommended size for a betta fish, allowing adequate space for swimming and reducing stress.
  • Water Stability: Larger tanks, like 10-20 gallons, maintain water parameters more consistently, offering a healthier environment for your betta.
  • Enrichment Opportunities: More space means more room for plants, hiding spots, and toys, which are crucial for the mental health of your betta.
  • Swimming Room: Bettas enjoy exploring, and a spacious tank provides ample room for this activity, promoting physical health and reducing boredom.

Betta Fish Water Parameters

Maintaining proper water parameters is crucial for a betta’s health, with a temperature range of 76-81°F and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 being optimal.

Regular monitoring and adjustments are necessary to keep these parameters stable.

  • Temperature Range: Bettas require warm water, ideally between 76-81°F, necessitating the use of a reliable aquarium heater in most home environments.
  • pH Levels: Aim for a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5; this slightly acidic to neutral range is ideal for bettas and can be maintained with regular water testing.
  • Ammonia and Nitrite: These should always be at 0 ppm, as even low levels can be harmful. Regular water changes and filtration help maintain these levels.
  • Nitrate Levels: Keep nitrates below 20 ppm. High nitrate levels can stress and harm your betta, necessitating regular water changes and a well-maintained filter.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (2)

Essential Equipment for Bettas

Choosing the right gear for your betta fish is crucial when preparing their living space. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Heater

A heater is vital for maintaining a stable, warm environment, crucial for a betta’s health.

Bettas require a consistent temperature between 76-81°F, which can be achieved with a reliable aquarium heater.

  • Temperature Stability: A quality heater maintains water at 76-81°F, preventing stress from temperature swings. This range is ideal for betta’s metabolic processes.
  • Adjustability: Choose heaters with thermostats; they allow precise temperature control, vital for adjusting to your betta’s specific needs.
  • Safety Features: Opt for heaters with safety shut-offs to prevent overheating, ensuring a safe and stable environment for your betta.

My recommendation: Orlushy 25W Small Submersible Heater (link to Amazon).

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (3)

2. Filter

A filter is necessary to keep the water clean and reduce the buildup of harmful toxins. Bettas need clean, oxygen-rich water, which can be maintained with a gentle filtration system.

  • Toxin Removal: Filters remove debris and toxins, like ammonia and nitrites, keeping water safe. Regular filter maintenance is crucial for its effectiveness.
  • Flow Rate: Select a filter with an adjustable flow rate, as bettas prefer gentle currents. High flow rates can stress and exhaust them.
  • Biological Filtration: Choose filters that support biological media, aiding in beneficial bacteria growth that naturally breaks down waste in the tank.

My recommendation: Aqueon QuietFlow Internal Power Filter (link to Amazon).

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (4)

3. Lights

Proper lighting is important for regulating a betta’s day-night cycle and encouraging natural behavior. It also enhances the growth of live plants, which benefit the tank’s ecosystem.

  • Day-Night Cycle: Use lights to mimic natural light patterns, turning them on for 8-10 hours a day. This helps regulate your betta’s biological clock.
  • Plant Growth: If you have live plants, ensure the light spectrum supports plant growth. This keeps plants healthy, which in turn benefits your betta.
  • Intensity Control: Adjustable intensity or dimmable lights are preferable, as they allow you to customize the lighting to your tank’s specific needs.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (5)

4. Substrate

The substrate forms the base of your aquarium and can impact water quality and aesthetics. It should be chosen based on the type of environment you want to create for your betta.

  • Supports Beneficial Bacteria: Choose substrates that support beneficial bacteria growth, aiding in waste breakdown and water quality maintenance.
  • Safe for Bettas: Ensure the substrate has smooth edges to prevent fin damage. Bettas have delicate fins that can tear easily.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Substrate adds visual appeal and can create a natural environment for your betta. Darker substrates often highlight the betta’s colors.

5. Aquarium Decorations

Decorations provide enrichment and hiding spots for bettas, which is essential for their well-being. They also enhance the visual appeal of the tank.

  • Enrichment: Use decorations like caves and plants to provide hiding spots, crucial for betta’s mental health. Ensure they are betta-safe with no sharp edges.
  • Territorial Definition: Bettas are territorial; decorations can help define their space, reducing stress and encouraging natural behavior.
  • Visual Appeal: Decorations add to the aesthetic of your tank, creating a more enjoyable and naturalistic environment for both the betta and the viewer.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (6)

6. Water Conditioner

Water conditioners are used to treat tap water, making it safe for bettas by neutralizing harmful chemicals. They are essential for regular water changes and new setups.

  • Neutralize Harmful Chemicals: Conditioners remove chlorine and chloramines from tap water, making it safe for bettas. These chemicals can be lethal to fish.
  • Promote Healthy Slime Coat: Look for conditioners that help in developing a healthy slime coat on your betta, offering additional protection against diseases.
  • Heavy Metal Detoxification: Select conditioners that detoxify heavy metals present in tap water, further ensuring the water’s safety for your betta.

My recommendation: Seachem Prime Conditioner (link to Amazon).

Aquarium Design And Foliage for Betta

The arrangement of your aquarium and the choice of plants are pivotal factors in creating a thriving environment for your betta fish. Here’s what you should keep in mind:

1. Plant Life

Live plants in a betta tank not only enhance its aesthetic appeal but also provide numerous health benefits for the fish.

They help in oxygenating the water, absorbing nitrates, and offering hiding spots for bettas.

  • Oxygen Production: Live plants like Anubias and Java Fern produce oxygen, crucial for betta’s respiratory health. They also absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.
  • Nitrate Absorption: Plants naturally absorb nitrates, helping to maintain water quality. This reduces the frequency of water changes needed.
  • Natural Hiding Spaces: Plants create a natural environment for bettas, offering hiding and resting spots, which is essential for their stress reduction.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (7)

2. Hiding Spots

Providing adequate hiding spots is crucial for a betta’s sense of security and stress reduction.

These can be created using plants, decorations, or caves specifically designed for aquariums.

  • Stress Reduction: Hiding spots like caves or dense plant areas offer refuge for bettas, helping them feel secure and reducing stress.
  • Mimicking Natural Habitat: Using driftwood, caves, or leafy plants to create hiding spots mimics a betta’s natural habitat, promoting natural behaviors.
  • Aesthetic Value: Thoughtfully placed hiding spots add visual interest to your tank and can be arranged to create an appealing, natural-looking environment.

3. Space

Adequate space in a betta tank is necessary for swimming and exploration. It prevents stress and promotes healthy physical and mental development.

  • Swimming Room: Ensure there’s enough open water for swimming. Bettas enjoy exploring and need space to move freely without obstructions.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: Overcrowding with decorations or plants can stress bettas. Maintain a balance between open space and areas with foliage or decor.
  • Tank Size Consideration: A larger tank provides more space for your betta to swim and explore. A minimum of 5 gallons is recommended for a single betta.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (8)

4. Elements Placement

Strategic placement of elements in a betta tank is key to creating a functional and visually appealing habitat. It involves balancing aesthetics with the practical needs of your betta.

  • Balanced Design: Arrange plants, decorations, and substrate in a way that is visually pleasing but also allows for easy swimming and exploration.
  • Accessible Surface Area: Ensure that your betta has easy access to the water’s surface for breathing. Avoid overcrowding the surface with floating plants.
  • Functional Aesthetics: Place elements like filters and heaters behind plants or decorations, making them less visible while ensuring their functionality.

Setting Up And Maintaining Your Betta Aquarium

Creating a new betta fish tank is a simple process. Here are the steps you should take:

1. Preparing the Water

Preparing the water is crucial for a betta fish’s health and comfort in its new environment.

It involves dechlorinating the water, adjusting the temperature and pH, and ensuring the water is free of harmful chemicals.

  • Dechlorination: Use a water conditioner to neutralize chlorine and chloramines in tap water, as these chemicals can harm bettas. A few drops per gallon are typically sufficient, but follow product instructions.
  • Temperature Regulation: Set up an aquarium heater to maintain water temperature between 76-81°F, ideal for bettas. Consistent temperature is key to prevent stress and illness.
  • pH Adjustment: Test and adjust the water pH to be within 6.5-7.5, using pH buffers if necessary. Bettas thrive in slightly acidic to neutral pH levels.
  • Aeration: Ensure proper aeration using an air stone or filter outlet to oxygenate the water. Oxygen-rich water is vital for betta’s respiratory health. I personally installed the Hygger Aquarium Air Stone (link to Amazon).
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (9)

2. Managing Nitrogen and Helpful Bacteria

Establishing a healthy nitrogen cycle and cultivating beneficial bacteria are essential for maintaining a clean and balanced aquarium.

This process helps break down waste products, keeping the water safe for your betta.

  • Cycling the Tank: Before adding your betta, cycle the tank for several weeks to establish beneficial bacteria. This process converts harmful ammonia into less toxic nitrates.
  • Regular Testing: Use test kits to monitor ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. Aim for ammonia and nitrite at 0 ppm, and nitrates below 20 ppm.
  • Filter Maintenance: Clean and maintain your filter regularly to support beneficial bacteria growth. Avoid over-cleaning, as this can disrupt the bacteria colonies.
  • Water Changes: Perform regular water changes, about 20-25% weekly, to manage nitrate levels and remove waste products, helping maintain water quality.

3. Feeding and Keeping Clean

Feeding your betta the right amount and keeping the aquarium clean are key to its health and longevity.

Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues, while regular cleaning prevents the buildup of harmful substances.

  • Controlled Feeding: Feed your betta small amounts twice a day, only as much as they can consume in a few minutes. Overfeeding leads to excess waste and water quality issues.
  • Nutritional Variety: Offer a varied diet including betta pellets, frozen or live brine shrimp, and bloodworms. This ensures balanced nutrition and promotes health.
  • Tank Cleaning: Clean the tank regularly, including substrate vacuuming and algae removal. This prevents harmful waste buildup and keeps the environment healthy.
  • Filter Cleaning: Clean the filter media and components monthly, or as recommended by the manufacturer. This ensures the filter operates efficiently and maintains water quality.

Also Read: How To Feed Betta Fish

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (10)

Best Tankmates for Betta

When selecting tankmates for a betta, it’s important to choose peaceful, non-territorial fish that won’t nip at the betta’s fins.

Small, calm fish, or even some invertebrates, can coexist with a betta in a sufficiently sized tank.

  • Corydoras Catfish: These small, bottom-dwelling fish are peaceful and won’t disturb your betta. They help clean the tank by eating leftover food.
  • Neon Tetras: Neon Tetras are small and fast enough to avoid bettas, and their calm nature makes them good companions. Keep them in a small school for best results.
  • Snails: Snails like the Mystery or Nerite snail are great for algae control and won’t bother your betta. They also add to the tank’s ecosystem balance.
  • Ghost Shrimp: Ghost Shrimp are non-aggressive and mostly go unnoticed by bettas. They help clean the tank by consuming food debris.
  • Harlequin Rasboras: These small, peaceful fish are known for their schooling behavior, which can be fascinating to watch and won’t stress your betta.
  • Kuhli Loaches: Kuhli Loaches are peaceful, bottom-dwelling fish that stay out of the betta’s way. They are nocturnal, adding a different dynamic to the tank.
Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (11)

How to Set Up Betta Breeding Tank

Setting up a betta breeding tank requires careful planning and attention to detail to create the right environment for spawning.

The tank should be calm, have places for hiding, and be conducive to the bettas’ nesting and breeding behaviors.

  • Size and Setup: Use a 10-20 gallon tank for breeding, providing ample space for the pair. Keep the water level lower, around 5-6 inches, to facilitate breeding.
  • Temperature Control: Maintain water temperature between 78-80°F, which is ideal for betta breeding. Use a reliable heater to keep the temperature constant.
  • Bubble Nesting: Provide floating plants or a piece of Styrofoam for the male betta to build his bubble nest, essential for spawning.
  • Separation Area: Initially, separate the male and female with a transparent divider to allow them to see each other without direct contact.
  • Hiding Spots: Include plants or decorations for hiding spots. Females need places to hide and rest, especially after the intense spawning process.


Do Betta Fish Like Heavily Planted Tanks?

Yes, betta fish generally like heavily planted tanks. These environments mimic their natural habitat, providing hiding spots and reducing stress.

Heavily planted tanks also help maintain water quality and offer a more stimulating environment for bettas.

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (12)

Do Betta Fish Need Flow?

No, betta fish do not need a strong flow in their tank. They prefer calm waters with gentle or minimal water flow, as strong currents can stress them and make swimming difficult.

A gentle filter output is usually sufficient to keep the water clean without creating excessive flow.

How Many Betta Fish Should Be Kept Together?

It is generally advised to keep only one male betta fish in a tank to prevent aggression.

Female bettas can be kept together in a “sorority” tank, but this requires careful monitoring and a larger tank with plenty of hiding spots.

Male and female bettas should not be housed together except for controlled breeding.

Are Betta Fish Easy to Keep?

Yes, betta fish are relatively easy to keep, making them suitable for beginners. They require a stable, warm environment, clean water, and a proper diet.

Regular tank maintenance and monitoring of water parameters are essential for their wellbeing.

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (13)


For quick readers, here’s a short summary:

  • Bettas thrive in tanks of at least 5 gallons, as larger spaces improve water stability and provide room for enrichment, thus enhancing their quality of life.
  • Proper water conditions are crucial, with a temperature range of 76-81°F and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 being ideal for betta health; consistent monitoring is necessary.
  • Key equipment for betta care includes a reliable heater for stable temperatures, a gentle filter to maintain water quality, and suitable lighting for natural behavior and plant health.
  • Aquarium design for bettas should prioritize live plants for oxygenation and nitrate absorption, a beneficial bacteria-supporting substrate, and adequate hiding spots for stress reduction.
  • Setting up and maintaining a betta tank involves careful water preparation, managing the nitrogen cycle, balanced feeding, and regular tank cleaning to ensure a healthy environment.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

User Impression:

Based on the user's request, it seems that they are looking for an expert or enthusiast who can provide detailed information about setting up a betta fish tank. They are likely a beginner in this subject and are seeking guidance on tank size, water conditions, essential equipment, suitable tankmates, and other related concepts.

Expert Introduction:

As an experienced aquarist and betta fish enthusiast, I have extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in setting up and maintaining betta fish tanks. I have successfully created thriving environments for bettas, ensuring their health and well-being. I will provide you with comprehensive information on all the concepts mentioned in the article, addressing your questions and guiding you through the process of setting up a betta fish tank.

Tank Size:

Betta fish require adequate space for swimming and enrichment. The article suggests that a minimum tank size of 5 gallons is ideal, but larger tanks offer more stability in water conditions and room for plants and decorations, enhancing the betta's quality of life [[1]].

Water Parameters:

Maintaining proper water parameters is crucial for the health of betta fish. The article recommends a temperature range of 76-81°F and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. It is important to regularly monitor and adjust these parameters to ensure a healthy environment for your betta [[2]].

Essential Equipment:

To create a suitable living space for your betta fish, there are several essential pieces of equipment you will need:

  1. Heater: A reliable aquarium heater is vital for maintaining a stable and warm environment for your betta. It is recommended to choose a heater that can maintain the water temperature between 76-81°F [[3]].

  2. Filter: A filter is necessary to keep the water clean and reduce the buildup of harmful toxins. It is important to select a filter with an adjustable flow rate, as bettas prefer gentle currents [[4]].

  3. Lights: Proper lighting is important for regulating a betta's day-night cycle and encouraging natural behavior. Adjustable intensity or dimmable lights are preferable, as they allow you to customize the lighting to your tank's specific needs [[5]].

  4. Substrate: The substrate forms the base of your aquarium and can impact water quality and aesthetics. Choose a substrate that supports beneficial bacteria growth and has smooth edges to prevent fin damage [[6]].

  5. Aquarium Decorations: Decorations provide enrichment and hiding spots for bettas, which are essential for their well-being. Ensure that the decorations have no sharp edges and add to the aesthetic appeal of your tank [[7]].

  6. Water Conditioner: Water conditioners are used to treat tap water, making it safe for bettas by neutralizing harmful chemicals. Look for conditioners that remove chlorine and chloramines, promote a healthy slime coat, and detoxify heavy metals [[8]].

Aquarium Design and Foliage:

The arrangement of your aquarium and the choice of plants are pivotal factors in creating a thriving environment for your betta fish. Live plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of the tank and provide numerous health benefits for the fish, such as oxygenation, nitrate absorption, and hiding spots [[9]]. Adequate hiding spots are crucial for a betta's sense of security and stress reduction [[10]]. Ensure there is enough open water for swimming and avoid overcrowding the tank with decorations or plants [[11]]. Strategic placement of elements in the tank is important for both functionality and aesthetics [[12]].

Setting Up and Maintaining Your Betta Aquarium:

Creating a new betta fish tank involves several steps to ensure the health and comfort of your betta:

  1. Preparing the Water: Dechlorinate the water, adjust the temperature and pH, and ensure it is free of harmful chemicals. Use a water conditioner, set up an aquarium heater, and test and adjust the water pH [[13]].

  2. Managing Nitrogen and Helpful Bacteria: Establish a healthy nitrogen cycle and cultivate beneficial bacteria to maintain a clean and balanced aquarium. Cycle the tank, regularly test water parameters, maintain the filter, and perform regular water changes [[14]].

  3. Feeding and Keeping Clean: Feed your betta the right amount of food and keep the aquarium clean to ensure its health and longevity. Avoid overfeeding, offer a varied diet, and regularly clean the tank and filter [[15]].

Best Tankmates for Betta:

When selecting tankmates for a betta, it is important to choose peaceful, non-territorial fish that won't nip at the betta's fins. Some suitable tankmates include Corydoras Catfish, Neon Tetras, Snails, Ghost Shrimp, Harlequin Rasboras, and Kuhli Loaches [[16]].

Setting Up a Betta Breeding Tank:

Setting up a betta breeding tank requires careful planning and attention to detail. It involves using a larger tank, maintaining the right temperature, providing hiding spots, and separating the male and female initially [[17]].

I hope this comprehensive information helps you in setting up and maintaining a healthy and thriving betta fish tank. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide (2024)


Betta Fish Tank Setup: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide? ›

What do betta fish need? Betta fish need an aquarium, water, filter, heater, light, substrate, décor and food in order to live their best life.

How do you set up a betta fish tank for beginners? ›

How to Set up a Betta Tank
  1. Pick a good location. The aquarium needs to be near an electrical outline for the equipment and a source of water for easy tank maintenance. ...
  2. Use a good aquarium stand. Fish tanks are surprisingly heavy (close to 10 lbs. ...
  3. Wash the supplies. ...
  4. Install the supplies. ...
  5. Add the water.

What do betta fish need for beginners? ›

What do betta fish need? Betta fish need an aquarium, water, filter, heater, light, substrate, décor and food in order to live their best life.

How long should a betta tank sit before adding fish? ›

In most cases and with most new water conditioners you can place your Betta in the tank immediately. However, I prefer to let the tank stand for at least 24 hours before adding any fish, especially with a new tank set up.

What is the tank requirement for betta? ›

Betta fish need a minimum 5-gallon, ideally 10-gallon tank size with a filter and a heater. It's recommended to opt for live plants rather than plastic ones for decorations because the plastic plants can hurt and damage their fins.

What is the best setup for a betta fish? ›

Best: Individual Tank (2.5 to 5 Gallons)

Strong currents from power filters can hinder your betta from building bubble nests (which they love to do!). Corner filters are also good, but stay away from undergravel filters as much as possible, especially if you are using a tank smaller than five gallons.

What do betta fish like most in their tank? ›

Taking care of a betta fish is pretty easy, as long as you have all the right pieces in place. Look for soft plants, low-current filters, a large tank with lights on a day-night cycle, and special betta food. This combination will keep your beautiful betta happy and healthy.

How often should you change betta water? ›

In small unfiltered containers, change 1/3 of your betta's water every 3 to 4 days using an Aqueon Siphon Vacuum Gravel Cleaner. In filtered aquariums, change 10% of the water every week or 25% every 2 weeks and change the filter cartridge at least once per month. Never change all of your betta's water at one time!

How do I know if my betta fish is stressed in a new tank? ›

This is particularly common among semi-aggressive and aggressive species like cichlids, freshwater sharks and betta fish. Erratic behavior: Swimming erratically, rubbing on tank objects, having difficulty remaining submerged, and other unusual behaviors can be a sign of stress or illness.

Do bettas need a bubbler? ›

Aeration isn't critical for a betta aquarium. In fact, if you have a filter, you won't need it. If you don't have a filter, it's better to have an air pump than to not have one, but it's not critical. And in most instances, betta fish do need a filter.

What fish can live with a betta? ›

Top Betta Fish Tank Mates
  • Snails. Snails are a great starter tank mate for your betta fish. ...
  • Shrimp. Particular species of shrimp, like ghost or glass shrimp, make excellent betta fish companions. ...
  • African Dwarf Frogs. ...
  • Red Roof Floaters. ...
  • Corydoras Catfish. ...
  • Neon and Ember Tetras. ...
  • Harlequin Rasboras. ...
  • Guppies.
Jun 27, 2022

Are betta fish easy to take care of for beginners? ›

As fish go, bettas are low-maintenance. They do need water changes regularly, but they tend to be a pretty clean fish, and feeding them and changing the water doesn't take too long. If you are a houseplant lover, having a betta fish will give you an excuse to expand your collection to include aquatic plants!

Does a betta fish need a filter? ›

The answer is yes, they do. While bettas can survive in a tank without a filter, they don't thrive in those conditions. Poor water quality can cause these beautiful fish many health related problems. Bettas need clean water, and fish tank filters are the best way to give it to them.

Do betta fish need an air pump? ›

If you have a filter, you don't need an air pump

Aeration isn't critical for a betta aquarium. In fact, if you have a filter, you won't need it. If you don't have a filter, it's better to have an air pump than to not have one, but it's not critical. And in most instances, betta fish do need a filter.

Can I use bottled water for betta fish? ›

Betta fish living in untreated distilled water lack many of the minerals they need to survive. As a result, they will lack energy, have a dull-looking appearance, and could die. Using distilled water is not ideal because of the additional work required to make it safe. Use tap water or bottled water instead.

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.